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eLearning Courses

Safeguarding Training Online

All organisations have a responsibility for the welfare of their employees and people within their care.

Our accredited Safeguarding training online will help recognise, record and respond to any signs of potential harm or abuse. 

Essential online Safeguarding training for your organisation.

Invest in the mental and physical wellbeing of your employees by creating a safe and secure working environment.

Our online Safeguarding training content educates individuals about potential hazards, preventive measures, and emergency protocols.

Empower the people in your organisation by giving them the confidence to protect themselves and their colleagues from harm.

About our Safeguarding training online

Safeguarding eLearning Course content

Our Safeguarding training online covers:

  • Safeguarding adults
  • Safeguarding vulnerable adults
  • Safeguarding children
  • Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding eLearning objectives
  • Define safeguarding and recognise its purpose
  • Identify the key milestones in relation to safeguarding
  • Define abuse and distinguish between different types of abuse and their key indicators
  • Recognise why people fail to act when they have concerns
  • Take appropriate action if you have specific concerns and make referrals to others
  • Improve and strengthen the safeguarding policies in your own organisation
  • and much more...
Safeguarding eLearning Course style

Our eLearning content comes in multiple formats; including videos, case studies, podcasts and eBooks.

All designed with experts to allow your learners to retain information and learn at a time and place which suits them. 

Accredited eLearning

Cpd Certified Logo C262669EE9 Seeklogo

Safeguarding courses

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding children involves promoting their welfare by ensuring they grow up in circumstances where their health, development and wellbeing aren’t impaired, as well as taking action to protect them from harm.

This Safeguarding eLearning course provides the knowledge and understanding of types of child abuse and how to recognise the signs.

Safeguarding Adults at Risk

Abuse and neglect can cause long-lasting damage to a person’s physical and emotional wellbeing which is why it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect Adults at Risk from the risk of harm.

This safeguarding training online course provides guidance on preventing and reducing the risks of abuse and neglect in adults.

Why use Access Learning Safeguarding Training Online?

  • Credible content – our courses are accredited, endorsed and designed in partnership with subject matter experts.
  • Multi-platform learning - optimised for mobile and tablet, meaning less text and more engaging, easily accessible content.
  • True ‘bitesize’ microlearning – making your learning experience more manageable, efficient and relevant.
  • Learning pathways - split courses up into digestible topics to make it quicker and easier to find training in the flow of work.
  • Accessible - we are working to make our content more accessible and are designing content with reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
  • Updated and refreshed – Access Learning courses are regularly updated ensuring the most up to date and compliant content.

Contact us

Get started with Safeguarding or any of our Health and Safety training courses.
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