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Self awareness in the workplace is crucial to success – here’s why

In this blog we answer: 

    • What is self awareness in the workplace? 

    • Why is self awareness important in the workplace? – 4 advantages 

    • How to improve self awareness in the workplace? 

Digital Learning and Compliance 5 minutes
Posted 10/11/2022

What is self awareness in the workplace? 

As a core component of emotional intelligence, self awareness in the workplace is all about getting a stronger grip on our feelings, managing emotions and mental health. 

All of these factors play a big part in how we think, feel and act at work on a daily basis. Self-aware employees are those that: 

    • understand what they want 
    • recognise their strengths and weaknesses 
    • have control over the way they present themselves 

Every employee will have areas they excel in and areas in which they might need some support. The good news for employers is that self awareness is something that can be developed over time with training, which is exactly why so many organisations are making it a priority in their learning and staff career development plans. 

Why is self awareness important in the workplace?

High emotional intelligence is an incredibly valuable characteristic to have at work, particularly if you are managing a team or dealing with other people on a regular basis.

Here are four advantages that self-aware employees tend to benefit from:

1. Coping better with pressure and stress

Pressure is a natural part of our lives; though it’s easy to see how continual pressure at work can lead to stress and anxiety if people don’t have a good coping mechanism to manage it.

Simple behaviours like recognising the onset of stressful emotions and taking regular breaks to relieve pressure can help people respond positively to pressure and reduce the risk of burnout.

Highly self-aware individuals even have the potential to reframe situations in their mind and view them positively rather than negatively.

Self Awareness in the Workplace

2. Managing time more efficiently 

Without a good level of self awareness in the workplace, employees find time management difficult and struggle to perform at their peak on a regular basis. It’s a big help if employees can think ahead and plan their schedule in a way that maximises their strengths and minimises their weaknesses.  

For instance, if a person knows that they work best first thing in the morning, they should feel comfortable organising their day accordingly in order to limit meetings and other distractions and instead focus on their priorities. 

3. Developing leaders  

For some employees, going through their day-to-day roles and responsibilities is enough to keep them happy in their current position. However, anyone that has ambitions to move into a senior role will need to develop the ability to influence colleagues in a positive way, particularly those in a managerial role.  

This is another area where self awareness at work is so important. Self-aware people generally have a good sense of how their mood and behaviour affects other members of staff. The ability to empathise is also essential when giving and receiving feedback and criticism because this ensures that important messages are communicated in the right way.  

4. Enabling progression and high performance 

Alan Mullaly, the CEO responsible for turning around the fortunes of Ford Motors in the mid-2000s, once said that self awareness is perhaps the biggest opportunity for growth and improvement – in business, at home, and in life. 

Research from the Korn Ferry Institute backs this up too. Its study of 486 companies over a 30-month period found that businesses with a higher rate of return also employed staff with higher levels of self awareness. In fact, poor-performing businesses were 79% more likely to have low overall self-awareness than businesses in the top percentile for performance. 

Self Awareness in the Workplace

How to improve self awareness in the workplace?

Every employee in your organisation should be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses because this is fundamental to their long-term progression. Here are 4 tips on how to build self awareness in the workplace:

1. Coping better with pressure and stress

    • Talk openly with staff about keeping pressure positive
    • Ask employees to note when they start to feel stress so they can recognise the triggers

2. Managing time

    • Encourage autonomy and self-organisation
    • Ensure staff know they can and should schedule breaks

3. Developing leaders

    • Look for practical ways that potential leaders can understand how their mood and behaviours affects others
    • Build mood checks into team meetings, or through anonymised surveys

4. Provide development opportunities

    • Encourage personal development around self awareness, such as through topical reading
    • Look for guided learning and training opportunities
Self Awareness in the Workplace teamwork

Drive performance with Access Learning

It’s not always easy for businesses to know where to begin, which is why self-awareness training is a great way to identify these areas and provide staff with a clear learning journey through which they can develop their skill set. 

    • Make sure to download your copy of our free guide – Empowering Your Talent– for more expert guidance and insights into the benefits of staff development. 
    • Find out more about Access Career Development for employees software that supports your employees at any stage of their career. This system delivers personalised learning plans and professional coaching advice to build employees’ skills and develop their confidence which in turn can help you to retain talent and benefit from measurable differences to your business and workforce.    

    • Get in touch  with our friendly team of professional development experts for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your current challenges and how our career development platform can underpin your learning and development strategy.  

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