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What are the top 10 tech trends law firms should be watching out for this year?

Jo Hunter

Legal Sector Marketing Specialist

As a leading team of law firm software specialists, we are often asked by our customers and prospects what the top technology trends are for the profession and what is coming next. In answer to this we have collated our list of top trending tech that we see making the greatest strides within the legal sector currently, as well as a few technologies we know are on the horizon for law firms.

This blog has been written especially for law firm managing partners and leaders keen to stay ahead of the curve.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant technology trends on the horizon for the legal industry right now. It has the potential to revolutionise the way law firms operate by automating routine tasks, analysing data, and providing valuable insights. AI-powered solutions will save time, reduce costs, and improve accuracy for law firms. Those we are talking to are interested in researching AI-powered tools for contract review, legal research, and document analysis. Also under the AI umbrella, we have Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a technology that enables the automation of routine tasks by using software bots. In the legal industry, RPA can be used for document management, data entry, and billing. Law firms can use RPA to reduce manual labour, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency.

2. Greater focus on Cyber Security

As the legal industry becomes increasingly digitised, cyber security is becoming more critical than ever. Law firms are prime targets for cyber-attacks due to the sensitive information they hold. To protect client data and maintain client trust, law firms are having to invest more in cyber security measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits. For more indepth advice about cybersecurity for law firms, check out our guide “Cybersecurity for law firms: everything you need to know” here.

3. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become an essential technology trend for law firms, offering benefits such as cost savings, increased flexibility, and enhanced collaboration. Long gone are the days when the legal sector was reluctant to move to the cloud for fears of data security threats. Cloud-based solutions allow law firms to access data and applications from anywhere, at any time, and on any device and in many cases the cloud is proving to be more secure than on-premise alternatives. Cloud hosting solutions provide scalable and secure storage for sensitive client data.

4. Case Management Software

Law firms can benefit from legal case management software tools that enable them to manage complex cases more efficiently. These tools provide features such as task tracking, document sharing, and team collaboration. They can help law firms streamline workflows, improve communication, and increase productivity. Case management software for law firms has been around for decades and some software suppliers today offer more sophisticated solutions than others. Access Legal has three flavours of legal case management software, all designed especially for law firms. If you are looking for case management that will enable you to increase your caseload through efficiency gains whilst making sure you capture all your billable time, please speak to one of our legal tech experts today to find out more.

5. Virtual Collaboration Tools

There is no doubt the recent COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual collaboration tools in the legal industry. Most law firms have invested in tools of this nature including - video conferencing, virtual meeting platforms, and other remote collaboration tools to enable lawyers to work together seamlessly from any location. This kind of technology is evolving and becoming more sophisticated, helping law firms reduce travel costs, improve client service, and enhance work-life balance for hybrid-working legal teams.

6. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that provides a secure and tamper-proof way to store and share data. In the legal industry, blockchain technology can be used for contract management, smart contracts, and secure communication. We know a number of law firms exploring blockchain-based solutions to enhance data security and streamline transactions. It’s advisable to make sure your leaders understand the risks of blockchain as well as what’s possible.

7. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses statistical algorithms and machine learning to analyse data and make predictions about future outcomes. In the legal industry, predictive analytics can be used for case outcome prediction, litigation risk assessment, and resource allocation. The predictive analytics tools on the horizon can improve decision-making and optimise resource allocation.

8. Data Analytics

Data analytics tools can help law firms extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data. By analysing past cases, legal teams can develop better strategies, identify trends, and make more informed decisions. Managing partners are investing in data analytics tools for their firms to enhance their decision-making processes and improve client service.

9. Mobile Technology

Mobile technology is increasingly becoming a critical technology trend in the legal industry. With more lawyers working remotely or on-the-go, mobile devices are essential for staying connected and accessing critical information. Law firms are investing in mobile apps that enable lawyers to access case information, review documents, and communicate with clients on-the-go.

10. Augmented and Virtual Reality

Augmented and virtual reality technologies can be used in the legal industry to enhance collaboration, provide immersive training experiences, and visualize complex legal concepts. Law firms are currently exploring the potential of this tech for areas such as litigation, mediation, and training.

In conclusion, staying on top of technology trends is critical for law firm managing partners and leaders to ensure their firms remain competitive and provide the best possible service to their clients. By keeping up with these technology trends, law firms will discover new opportunities to enhance legal services and position their firms for success in this year and beyond.

Access Legal has around 600 employees, and as a team it’s our job to stay on top of all the legal software and technology trends happening today, and those up and coming in the near future. We take this seriously so that we can support, guide and advise our customers in their choices. If you would like to discuss your digital transformation journey and the pain points you are trying to address with one of our legal software specialists, we look forward to hearing from you. Whether it is a legal software demonstration you want, today or a legal software brochure you can download and read – it’s all here for you on our website. Our Access Workspace for Legal is designed to ensure law firms can have a single, clear view over their entire workplace, including all their people, processes and technology tools and systems.

Access Legal is part of The Access Group, one of the largest UK-headquartered providers of business management software to SMEs in the UK, Ireland and Asia Pacific. The UK Government’s definition of an SME is any organisation that has fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than €50 million or a balance sheet total less than €43 million.