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Healthcare Recruitment

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Verity Ramsden-Hare

Head of Marketing - Recruitment Division

Few recruitment businesses can function without their systems up and running. It isn’t just about the protection against a potential disaster, a malicious attack, or a catastrophic error that is important, it’s the action plan for getting back up and running as quickly as possible. Speed of recovery can make a huge difference. Take too long and your agency could quickly lose money and clients, and bad experiences can lead to potentially reputational damage.

One of the advantages of moving business systems and software into the cloud is that the IT headaches associated with back-up and recovery planning are simply removed.

What’s more, the cloud is the simplest and most effective way to deal with crucial problems.

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Harry Whysall

Recruitment Industry Expert

Feeling tired all the time? Do you go into the office everyday feeling micromanaged? Are you fearing the worst from all candidates you send to new roles?

Then you could be well on the way to a nasty case of recruiter burnout. And trust us - nobody wants that. 

Review your answers to our seven quick questions to spot whether you or one of your colleagues is suffering from burnout blues.

Just answer the questions below and then read what the results have to say about what we like to call your burnoutability…

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Louis Urbanowski

Recruitment Industry Specialist

The healthcare sector is historical - meaning it has a backlog of challenges. It’s also huge, so its challenges are vast and ever evolving. As an incredibly important part of the public conversation there are always changes and new developments that require recruiters to adapt and evolve quickly. In a 2015 government report it was anticipated that two million new workers will need to be trained and recruited into the sector between 2012 and 2022. As we approach the end of that time frame, and with new political promises to recruit even more nurses into the NHS, things are ramping up for healthcare recruitment agencies. However, significant challenges remain regarding attrition, onboarding, attraction, rates management, payrolling and software struggles.

Below we lay out some of the ways Access Recruitment CRM is designed to specifically help recruiters place contract and temp workers with ease and efficiency.

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Andy Larkin

Recruitment Industry Specialist

According to the NHS Staff Survey last year, healthcare recruitment is at a crisis point. Due to Brexit, public sector pay policy, changing legislation and other factors outside of the control of the NHS, the system is struggling. Now is the time to be innovative and experimental, which naturally includes the technology and software that is made available to the healthcare industry. It’s no secret that many of their processes are outdated, slow and inefficient, but thankfully with updated recruitment software healthcare agencies can offer viable solutions.

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Andrew Forster

Recruitment Industry Specialist

Every industry brings its own specific set of recruitment challenges; however, the healthcare sector is arguably one of the most difficult to recruit for. Changing legislation, patient needs, protocol, high risks and outdated systems all mean that placing candidates into healthcare roles isn’t always a straightforward process. The industry also comes with a historic difficulty to attract and retain skilled workers. According to Health Business, the essential challenge remains ‘getting the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time to meet service and patient needs.’

This leads to enormous pressures on healthcare recruitment agencies, as they try to place a backlog of workers into the healthcare system to meet the demand and need of hospitals and trusts. Below we’ve outlined some of the major difficulties of healthcare recruitment and what you can do to combat them:

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Harry Whysall

Recruitment Industry Specialist

There is always one person in the office who, when a conversation about excel is happening, pipes up, ‘I love excel spreadsheets, they’re so much fun.’ It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, or what kind of office you’re in, there is always that one person. You’re then left muttering under your breath while doing your best to ignore them and oddly enough, when you do ask them for help with your excel spreadsheet there’s always some bug or ‘never seen before’ error that prevents them being actually helpful.

We’re pretty sure that this has been the story in recruitment agencies across the land for decades. The recruitment industry has had a long love affair with the spreadsheet and, despite new technology, has clung on to excel with a stubborn resilience. If your agency is still using spreadsheets, it’s good to understand how it might be holding your business back, and why it’s not a long term solution. 

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