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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Joanne Farragher

NFP Finance Expert

In today's rapidly changing world, not for profit organisations face a variety of challenges that can impact their financial stability and long-term success. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices is critical for not-for-profits to remain competitive and fulfil their missions.

This blog article will provide insights and analysis on the latest trends and financial practices relevant to not-for-profit organisations. We will cover a range of topics, from fundraising strategies and donor engagement to financial planning and risk management. Our goal is to help not-for-profit leaders and stakeholders stay informed and make data-driven decisions that support their organisations' growth and impact.

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James Vjestica

At Access, we’re experts in providing advanced charity software to help Not For Profits maximise their fundraising activities. In our latest Festive Campaign Guide we have lots of fantastic how-to tips and tools to maximise Christmas fundraising campaigns. In this blog, we explore 12 of the best Christmas fundraising ideas to get you started.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

As digitisation has undoubtedly impacted how we process information, not for profit organisations must utilise effective charity social media as part of their marketing strategy.

According to Data Reportal, over half the world’s population now use social media [1], with the Global Web Index showing the average user spending almost two hours a day scrolling [2]. Using these stats as an indicator, it suggests a perfect opportunity to advertise your charity. But with so much going on in the digital space, it can all be quite daunting.

That’s why we’ve put together some top tips to help your charity get social.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

Since the tumultuous year of 2020 and the uncertainty that followed, digital fundraising has become a ‘must’ for not for profit organisations. With the world becoming more digitised, the charity sector has had to follow suit to remain both relevant and accessible to their donors. If organisations weren’t digital fundraising before, they are now – and it’s paying off.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

Raising the money to set up and sustain a charitable service isn’t always easy. There are a lot of moving parts and a variety of income streams to consider. Major donor fundraising is just one of them, and in this week’s blog, we’re covering the basics every budding ‘MD’ fundraiser needs to know.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

To change the world you need to share your story. To tell people who you are, what you’re doing, and why. It sounds simple, but it can be hard to rise above the noise – particularly when budgets are tight and resources are limited. In this blog, we’ll share five handy tips to help get your charity advertising out there in the most cost-effective way.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

More art than science, developing a new fundraising strategy can be overwhelming at first. But it is key.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

Just like that, the Olympics are over. Years of training, event planning and marketing gone in an instant (well, 16 days). Surely, everyone can relax now, right? Wrong. For those of you that work in fundraising events, you’ll know that just because the event is over it doesn’t mean the work is finished. No. Because now comes the hardest (and arguably most important) part of all. Reflection and learning. If you do not take the time to celebrate your successes, acknowledge and learn from your challenges you are doing yourself and your team a disservice – not to mention missing out on some amazing future opportunities.

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Joanne Farragher

NFP Finance Technology Specialist

The last year has been financially tough for most organisations, and those operating in the Not For Profit (NFP) sector are certainly no exception.

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Shaf Mansour

Not For Profit Solutions Specialist

Crowdfunding. It does what it says on the tin. Designed to help you raise money from a ‘crowd’ of people, it sounds simple enough in theory – but the reality isn’t always so straight forward. Did you know that there is more than one type of crowdfunding model? Apparently so. Fortunately, this is a fundraising blog, so we’ll be focussing our efforts on donation-based, rather than equity and revenue-sharing campaigns (phew). For sure, crowdfunders can be an effective way to raise funds, especially for start-up initiatives and ventures. But, like all things in fundraising, they aren’t necessarily the right choice for everyone, and they are not a quick fix. You can’t just launch a crowdfunding campaign and wait for the money to roll in. If you want it to be successful, you are going to need to put time, energy and planning into its delivery.

That means doing some research and choosing the right platform for your campaign (remember to compare features and fees). You don’t have a lot of space, so use it wisely. Take care to show your need, outline your vision, and the funds you need to get there. If you can, add a video, photos, quotes and website links. You don’t need a big budget for this, but you do need to tell an authentic story and show prospective donor’s that you’re a trustworthy organisation with an achievable ask.

Ready to go? Not quite. Before you click publish take a step back to think about what you’ll do when the page goes live.

New to the world of crowdfunding? Here are a few tips to help get you started:

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