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The era of emergency campaigns. What can we learn?

Alex Wortley

Charity Website Specialist

The past few months have seen more charities launch an emergency campaign than ever before. Last week, we shared three that caught our eye. This week, we want to think about the lessons we can learn - so here are our 7 top tips for running a successful emergency campaign, with examples from Access Charity Website platform clients:

  • Get the hook right: Eye-catching campaigns will have a prominent hook, title, hashtag and tag line that draws people in. Gift wrap your campaign and develop a solid set of key messages to underpin in. It’s important that everyone sings off the same hymn sheet and that your campaign message is URGENT, clear and consistent.


We love how Access Charity Website Platform client Strathcarron Hospice have used the ‘Stand with Strathcarron” strap line on their emergency appeal 


  • Keep it about people: You might be facing a huge funding gap, but your donors don’t care about the numbers. They care about what it means for your people, so keep them front and centre. Tell real stories, share real impact and create an ‘ask’ that personifies your work. While we’re on the subject, remember - you’re not writing to a donor, you’re talking to a person. Personalise your comms and design your activity around a single-customer view.


We love how Access Charity Website Platform client Afghanaid have focused on the people of Afghanistan with this emergency COVID-19 appeal 


  • Don’t write yourself into a trap: Finding the right words is always tricky, and when it comes to emergency campaigns it can be even trickier. Don’t get so swept up in the moment that you lose sight of what you need. If you’re running a restricted campaign, restrict it. If you want unrestricted funding, make sure your words reflect this. Astarita, Aldrich & Ward also recommend adding a final caveat that allows you to open your spend after the crisis is over – a wise move we think!


We love how Access Charity Website Platform Client Royal Trinity Hospice have taken a very emotive approach to their emergency COVID-19 appeal, telling the very real story of closed charity shops, patients in need and a £3 million pound gap to bridge.



  • Cross channels: An email is not a campaign. Neither is a letter, social media post or blog. Bring these elements together, and you’re onto something. Good campaigns use multiple channels. Think direct mail, email, social media, your website… Maybe there’s even a bit of budget for radio, tv and outdoor advertising. It’s important to get your message moving, and if you’ve got a high-profile patron or ambassador on your books, now is the time to leverage those connections!


We love how Access Charity Website Platform Client Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals have used a cross channel approach by making appeal videos available on their YouTube channel, as well as using well known ambassador Hugh Dennis in a video appeal.


  • Make real-time decisions: Don’t just put your appeal out there and hope for the best. You need to be making data-driven decisions. Set your campaign metrics ahead of time and track them. Split test if you can. Find what works and do it more, adjusting your campaign process as you go.


  • Get technical: If your charity doesn’t make it quick and easy for people to give, they won’t. So make sure your website has a dedicated campaign landing page and that the ‘Donate’ function is Simple, Savvy and Secure. This might also be a good time to pilot (if you’ve haven’t already embraced) new giving technologies. Contactless donations, Facebook donate and Instagram stickers are all great ways to start driving up donations.


  • Say ‘Thank you’: Donors who are thanked within 48 hours are four times more likely to give again. Not a bad return for two simple words. If they’ve entered their details online there is no reason why you can’t get a ‘thank you’ out in those first crucial hours. Trust us, it will pay off in the long run!


So there you have it! 7 tips on ensuring your emergency appeal is well received and runs smoothly, with a selection of examples from Access Charity Website Platform clients. If you'd like to learn more about our Charity Website Platform, you can learn more here