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Making the most of free Google Ads for charities - PPC Guide for beginners!

Graham Hewitt

NFP Business Consultant

With Google holding 88% of the global search engine market, Google Ads are a great way to boost charity advertising and direct quality traffic to your site. Get it right and more clicks will soon mean more donations. There’s just one problem:

You’ve heard the term, but still don’t really know what Google Ads are…

It might seem daunting, but Google Ads do what they say on the tin. They are paid advertisements displayed on the top rung of your search results. Not just a happy accident, Google Ads are there on purpose. Advertisers know the keywords buyers use, so they bid on them – paying per click (PPC) to feature at the top of a given search query.

It’s a simple premise but the process can be quite complex. Hundreds, if not thousands of organisations are bidding on the same words as you. To get top spot, you need to work Google’s algorithms. That means you want a strong bid (amount you’re willing to pay per click) and high ‘Quality Score’ (a relevant ad, strong conversion and account history)*.


To do this, you need to:

  • Know your audience: Quality scores are based on relevant and successful ads, so yours needs to target a specific group. The more you know about them, the more ‘on point’ your Google Ad will be!
  • Get your keywords right: Understanding the search terms people use is essential. Website analytics will help you discover the real words and phrases people type into Google. Combine this with research that analyses keyword search volume, competition and average PPC. This will help you identify and ‘group’ keywords for different Google Ads.
  • Write an ad that WOWS: There isn’t much space, so make the most of Every. Single. Word. Spend time crafting copy that turns your keywords into a must-click proposition!
  • Build a landing page that works: Once someone has clicked your ad, get them to their destination quickly. Think about where they will land. Google awards a higher Quality Score to ads that convert, so make sure your landing page gives potential buyers (supporters) everything they need.
  • Evolve your ads: The best Google Ads will evolve and grow. Use your data to find out what works and what doesn’t. Discard the latter and build your campaign on techniques you know bring results.  


*Want to find out more about how the bidding process works?

Check out this infographic by WordStream.


Great! I’ve heard there are free Google ads for charities? 

You’re right. If you are a qualifying non-profit you can receive $10,000 (~£7,500) of in-kind ads every month. That’s £90K of free digital advertising for your charity a year. Imagine!

20,000 organisations use Google Ad Grants for charities, but not everyone makes the most of them. A successful charity advertising campaign takes time and expertise, and with many organisations lacking digital and specialist skillsets, it is a gap that can be hard to fill. That’s why The Access Group offers charities a virtual tool to make the most of their Google Ad Grants. You don’t even need any staff. Run by robots, we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to collect meaningful data and learning - using this to manage your ads and maximise return on investment. And it works. Organisations using our Google Grants AI Tool have increased ad traffic by more than 500%.


Take the leap. Embarking on a Google Ad Grants campaign doesn’t have to be the end of you. With Access by your side, there is no reason why your charity can’t hit top spot.


Speak to one of our Not for profit specialists to find out how you can use our Not For Profit solutions to help aid you in the set up of your own charity.