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The Access Group partners with ‘Turn on the Subtitles (TOTS)’ to improve children’s literacy skills

Rich Newsome

Digital Content Manager, Access Education

The Access Group has partnered with ‘Turn on the Subtitles’ (TOTS), a groundbreaking initiative that has rapidly become the largest literacy campaign globally. This innovative campaign seeks to revolutionise the way children engage with television, doubling the chances of improving their reading skills.

Backed by the likes of Steven Fry, Rachel Riley and even Bill Clinton, the campaign is as simple as it is brilliant: All you have to do is Turn on the subtitles.

The power of turning on the subtitles

Numerous studies worldwide have demonstrated the remarkable effectiveness of turning on subtitles while children watch television.

The simple act of incorporating subtitles can double the likelihood of a child becoming proficient in reading. This compelling evidence underscores the potential of a quick and free tip that can seamlessly turn TV time into reading time.

Global support and recognition

TOTS has garnered extensive support from prominent figures, charities, and corporations.

Notable backers include renowned personalities like Stephen Fry, Rachel Riley, and Jack Black.

The initiative has also received support from global entities such as the BBC, OFCOM, and Netflix, to name just a few.

Collaboration with charities and universities

In collaboration with leading charities and universities, TOTS aims to encourage broadcasters, policymakers, and parents to embrace the subtitles strategy.

The collective mission is to disseminate the results of global research, highlighting the transformative impact of this simple yet powerful approach to enhancing literacy.

How schools can get involved

Access Education encourages schools to actively participate in the Turn on the Subtitles campaign by:

  • Promoting awareness: Schools can raise awareness among parents, teachers, and students about the benefits of turning on subtitles for enhanced literacy.
  • Incorporating subtitles in educational settings: Teachers can explore creative ways to integrate subtitles into classroom activities, making learning more engaging and effective.
  • Sharing success stories: Schools are encouraged to share success stories and experiences with the campaign, contributing to a growing body of evidence supporting the impact of subtitles on literacy.

The Access Group’s commitment to education in 2024

The TOTS initiative is one of three key areas where we’re aiming to make an impact here at The Access Group in supporting the education sector in 2024 and beyond.

  1. Igniting a love for learning STEM: Access Education is proud to launch a free STEM initiative designed to ignite a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among students. This initiative aims to equip the next generation with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in an increasingly technology-driven world.
  2. Nourishing bright futures with Magic Breakfast: Magic Breakfast has been selected as Access Education's charity of the year. This partnership underscores our commitment to addressing the critical issue of child hunger and its impact on learning. By providing nutritious breakfasts to those in need, Access Education is actively contributing to the well-being and academic success of students.
  3. Illuminating the path to literacy with Turn on the Subtitles (TOTS): By promoting the simple yet effective practice of turning on subtitles, we are contributing to the global effort to improve children's reading skills. This collaboration aligns with our overarching goal of fostering holistic educational development.

Final thoughts

Access Education's partnership with Turn on the Subtitles marks a significant step in our ongoing commitment to education.

By joining forces with TOTS and supporting initiatives like the free STEM program and Magic Breakfast, Access Education is actively contributing to creating a brighter, more literate future for students worldwide.

To find out more about TOTS, visit the website.