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Three ways to upskill, motivate and engage remote employees

The workplace is a world away from where it was a month ago; some of our employees are away from work and isolating, and increasingly many employees are now on furlough leave.

So how can you support your remote teams and those on furlough leave? How can you help them to continue to learn, develop and stay connected to what is their ‘norm’ – work?! How do you keep them motivated and retain the talent you have?

There are several ways you can do this through eLearning. You can offer courses that will focus on their development, some their wellbeing and others will just bring some well-needed fun into their days.


 1. Personal development


How often do you hear your employees tell you there are so many things that they would like to do around their personal development, but they just don’t feel they have the time?

Personal development often means different things to different people. However, the core of the matter is it’s the opportunity for employees to spend some time reflecting and investing in their own personal behaviours and skills.

For employees on furlough leave, there has never been a better time to invest in themselves. Granted they can do this with or without the support of their employer. The internet holds a host of options for them such as video content and webinars they can attend. However, if you have invested in eLearning, now could be the prime time to encourage your employees to engage with the courses on offer. They will have the tools they need from their employer to invest in themselves.


2. Wellbeing


Let’s be honest our mental wellbeing has never been so important. There seems to be an endless list of things for us to worry about, our health, homeschooling, finances, as well as being housebound for at least 23 hours a day. All of this has a huge impact on us. How can you support your employees to become more resilient, try and remain positive, manage their emotions - how can you remotely help them to look after their mental health?

Setting up regular catch-ups or hosting fun virtual team quizzes can all help to keep morale high. You can source some content online around mental wellbeing and share this with your people as well as recommending some of the popular wellbeing apps.

If you do have an LMS this is where eLearning can play a vital part in supporting your employees. There are a huge number of courses available ranging from Personal Agility, Resilience, Positive thinking and so much more! These will give them the tools they may need to either help themselves or those around them deal with these challenging times.


3. Staying connected and maintaining the team rapport


It can take years to build a good rapport within your teams. It’s something that is important, as you want your people to be happy and enjoy their time at work. The relationships we have at work are so important, we have all seen work colleagues supporting each other through tough times so is now any different?

Those working remotely will have more opportunity to stay engaged through video meetings and calls but how about those that have roles that don’t require so much interaction or those on furlough leave?

The ways in which we can stay in touch these days are endless, WhatsApp groups, Virtual PT sessions, even virtual pubs. Now could be a time to find new and fun ways to engage with employees – using all the technology available to you in the remote working environment. 

For example, the introduction of gamification into the learning space means employees can now learn on the go and you can inject more fun into work-based learning. No one knows yet how long we will be working in these different and challenging times but what we do know is we want to retain the talent we have. We want to be able to plan how we are going to recover and continue with our businesses and we can’t do that without our employees. We need to keep them engaged, we need them to continue to develop themselves but more importantly, we must support them through this just as we would if they were still in the office with us.

Find out more about our eLearning packages and get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.