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Warehouse Management

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Andrea Klinkroth

Product Engineer

Continuously improving is key

It’s a stark fact that businesses don’t survive if they don’t improve. Competing for customers is hard work, and every business, especially in the hard-pressed manufacturing sector, must find better ways to win than simply shaving more and more off their margins. One of the most effective ways to enhance business performance is to use technology to reduce the reliance on people.  Technology tools and relevant data provide access to the right information whenever it’s needed, empowering the whole team, not just the privileged few.

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Lucy Pamment

Supply Chain Expert

The importance of ROI is well known.  Certainly it forms a significant part of the investment appraisal when reviewing new software. But do you ever consider the ongoing improvements that aren’t quantifiable? Have you ever pondered where else you might make more money? 

It’s likely your business has tried to tackle this issue in the past, but have you known how to extract this data and more importantly, where to look for it? We often hear manufacturers say, “We know we make money, but we don't know exactly where!”. 

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