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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Steve Barnhurst

Recruitment Industry Specialist

The visual cues that convince a candidate to continue a journey online to an actual conversion are quite fascinating, and highly relevant to ensuring your website serves as an effective lead generation portal. For recruiters, knowing what brings candidates to your site is one thing; understanding what keeps them there is the true measure of an effective recruitment website.

We’re confident on mobile-led web design going forward, as audiences are moving increasingly toward these avenues as the journeys become better and more clear. Provided, of course, that they actually are. The results of a bad mobile UX for a website visitor are significant: Research shows 57% of users won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. For e-commerce users, two in five users faced with a poor mobile experience would move to a competitor’s site.

So what kinds of visual cues factor into online lead generation? Taking a hint from our ebook on data-driven web design, we offer several different considerations you should account for heading into a new recruitment web design project.

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Alec Middleton

Product Director - Volcanic

“A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it isn’t that good.” - Martin Leblanc, Founder/CEO, Icon Finder

In Volcanic’s eBook, Data-driven Design: An inside look for recruiters at the value of a functional, responsive, user-focused website, we speak about the importance of recruitment website design that presents a seamless user journey across all channels, and that uses the power of colour, fonts, directional cues and other elements of UI design to enhance the user experience, and boost conversion rates.

​We thought we’d delve into more detail using our client, Discovered, a super cool Dubai-based recruitment agency.

This website really ticks every box in both visual design and good user experience. Not only does it present an aesthetically beautiful user interface, but it also demonstrates data-driven design thinking that delivers an exceptional experience for both candidates and clients.

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Harry Whysall

Recruitment Industry Specialist

There is always one person in the office who, when a conversation about excel is happening, pipes up, ‘I love excel spreadsheets, they’re so much fun.’ It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, or what kind of office you’re in, there is always that one person. You’re then left muttering under your breath while doing your best to ignore them and oddly enough, when you do ask them for help with your excel spreadsheet there’s always some bug or ‘never seen before’ error that prevents them being actually helpful.

We’re pretty sure that this has been the story in recruitment agencies across the land for decades. The recruitment industry has had a long love affair with the spreadsheet and, despite new technology, has clung on to excel with a stubborn resilience. If your agency is still using spreadsheets, it’s good to understand how it might be holding your business back, and why it’s not a long term solution. 

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Chris Hague

Recruitment industry expert

We’d love to give you one single amount that you need to set aside, but even you know that no fix is that quick. Every recruitment agency is different, recruits across different industries and has a million different needs. All of these factors will affect how much money needs to come out of your budget, and while we can’t set your mind at ease with a single figure, we can tell you what you should be thinking about to get you closer to that number.

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Andrew Forster

Recruitment Specialist

Recruitment has always been about the candidates. You can have as many great clients as you want, but if you don’t have the talent to offer you’re useless to each other. You might as well shake hands, call it a day and go your separate ways. After all, the war for talent is well and truly over, and the talent won. That doesn’t mean you don’t face endless battles to find the finest talent in the market because apparently, the best candidates are as hard as trying to find your mate at a gig at Wembley on Saturday night. (Which we can tell you from experience is really difficult).But as usual, there are always things you can do to root out the superstars.


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