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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Chris Hague

Recruitment industry expert

We’d love to give you one single amount that you need to set aside, but even you know that no fix is that quick. Every recruitment agency is different, recruits across different industries and has a million different needs. All of these factors will affect how much money needs to come out of your budget, and while we can’t set your mind at ease with a single figure, we can tell you what you should be thinking about to get you closer to that number.

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Nick Hogan

The very thought of finding a new recruitment CRM system is enough to send the bravest of us into an absolute emotional, and mental, breakdown. The long days searching, the fights with suppliers, the endless worrying if ‘it’s the one’ and the all-time hassle of getting your baggage from one system to another. It’s terrifying.

Our constant evolution of Access Recruitment CRM tells us that change is progress, and necessary, and if you’ve any hope of keeping your business afloat and growing, a CRM database that actually works for you is priority number one. But then again, before you start panicking, you might not even need a new one. To take some of the worrying off your hands, we’ve put together a list of signs that will tell you whether you can rest easy, or whether it’s time to let the wheels of progress start spinning.

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Andrew Forster

Do you remember the days you could hide all your valuables under the mattress, or that one loose floorboard, and rest safe in the knowledge that your possessions were secure? No, we don’t either. But we have it on good authority from our grandmother’s grandmother that it used to be like that. However, as value has moved from possessions to data, hiding things under the bed is no longer feasible.

Currently, the UK has witnessed a phenomenal rise in cyber-attacks and security breaches that have cost firms an estimated £34.1 billion. This doesn’t just apply to big organisations, dating sites or banks, but more so the smaller companies that have less time and money to invest in the safety of their information. Recruitment agencies are particularly susceptible to breaches due to the sheer volume of personal data they sit on. Hackers want this information to sell on to other companies, it’s that simple and it can happen very simply.

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