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Words. Can your charity afford to neglect them?

Jennifer Ruthe

Charity Copywriting Expert

Everyone is a writer. I’m not talking Shakespeare or Dickens, but no matter what job you do, we all write hundreds, if not thousands, of words every day. You probably don’t even think about it. But take some time to add it up. How many times are you putting pen to paper every day? It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a thank you to a donor, grant application or website content – every word counts. Perhaps even more so than you might think.

What's in a word?

As sector professionals, I don’t need to tell you that brand matters. You’ve only got to look across the sea of banners at events like the London Marathon, Ride London and Royal Parks to see the investment charities make to get their message out there. Bold, branded and beautiful, you can see a sector that is willing to spend on design. But does it afford the same privilege to its words? It doesn’t matter where they are – social media, your website, a newsletter, direct mail appeal or annual report. Each one tells a story. They are your brand, your voice, the image you present to the world. Strip away the packaging and design and what are you left with? Words, pure and simple. ‘The last, best way to differentiate yourself’.

But writing – good writing – is hard. It’s meant to be. There are 171,476 words in the English language. It takes time to find the right ones, to sift through all the subtle nuances of meaning. The challenge is to come up with a combination that not only presents the information you need, but that communicates it with style and finesse. Choose the right ones and words are your tool to educate, inform, persuade and inspire. Get them wrong, and not only could you miss important opportunities, you could even put donor relationships at risk.

In short, putting pen to paper is a big deal whenever you do it - and few workplaces can afford to leave high quality writing to chance. It’s a process. One that takes a great deal of time and skill. But let’s be honest. When was the last time you had the luxury of sitting down, clearing your mind and giving your words the time, care and craft they deserve?


It's a marathon, not a sprint

When you write, everything else has to stop. It can be a grueling process, but it can be a wonderful one too. When I’m in the zone nothing else exists. Nothing except the white world of Office, the meaning and combination of words I am trying to find. It can take hours. The possibilities are endless, but I know when I’ve found the right ones. I can hear it.

Fortunately, I have the luxury of spending that time. It’s my job. I won’t rush it, and neither should you. Words have a purpose – and if your organisation is serious about changing the world, you can’t afford to use the wrong ones. It doesn’t matter how good your designer can make them look. If your words don’t work, your message won’t be heard. That’s why I’ve teamed up with the Access Group to bring you this essential ‘Guide to great fundraising copy’.

Because no charity can afford to leave their words to chance.


About the Author – Jennifer Ruthe

Jennifer has almost 10 years’ experience as a fundraiser in health and international development. Starting out in Programme Funding, she has worked with some of the biggest foundations in the world. Expanding her experience outwards, roles have gone on to include broader fundraising and communications across all major income streams. She now freelances as a Charity Copywriter (Written by Jen) and loves to share the benefit of her skills and experience with others.


An expert guide to great fundraising copy

As well as this blog, The Access Group teamed up with Jennifer Ruthe to write an expert guide to great fundraising copy, click below to download your free copy now.