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Why Choose a Construction-Specific ERP Solution?

Construction projects are complex, so an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution used across a civil or commercial contracting business should be developed specifically for the construction industry. 

Construction 4mins
Posted 13/03/2024
Why Choose A Construction ERP System?

What is an ERP?  

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is software that simplifies an organisation’s operations by bringing all business processes together in one system, such as finances, project delivery, asset management, human resources and payroll.  

ERPs provide many benefits and great value, but without a platform developed specifically for the construction industry, success can be mixed.  

The Australian construction industry’s high volume of stakeholders and range of specific functionality can limit the success of traditional, non-industry specific ERPs.   

The specific challenges of construction  

As pointed out by the Australian Constructors Association, the construction industry can be defined as a complex system. There is a high level of interconnection between people and teams, specialist trades and suppliers, and project plans are constantly developing. The knock-on effect of change is a constant.  

It therefore goes without saying, there is powerful value in access to accurate, real-time data that can be shared with multiple stakeholders to boost productivity, reduce risk and drive project success.   

ERP systems integrate and manage a company’s operations, financials, supply chain, reporting, project management, and human resource activities.   

Using an ERP can result in data-driven decision making, increased compliance, operating efficiency and consistency across an organisation.   

Why industry-specific?  

The Australian construction industry is complex, so the right industry-specific technology is essential to forecast, manage and operate a successful construction business.   

Access COINS is an industry-focused solution, developed for civil and commercial construction, and combines multiple systems into one easy-to-use platform.  

Business advantages include:   

  • Brings everything construction teams need together in one place with a single login  
  • Provides 100% real-time visibility over every aspect of a construction project  
  • Powerful business planning and forecasting to help make confident decisions, quickly  
  • Integrated project control and financial management  
  • Ensures you meet industry compliance such as Project Trust Accounts  
  • Allows construction companies to manage documents, communications, issues, risks, costs and activity on site

Innovative Business Planning and Forecasting 

One of the key features of the Access COINS ERP+ system is our innovative Business Planning and Forecasting (BPF), which gives construction businesses the ability to immediately access accurate data in real-time.  

BPF is used for project performance reviews, financials, and to create opportunity pipelines and overhead management capabilities.  

This feature allows Access COINS customers to streamline their end-of-month reporting and forecasting to improve margins and profits, along with the ability to manage risks and opportunities across the business.  


Access COINS does it all  

The Access COINS ERP+ platform simplifies the way a construction organisation does business by combining:  

into one easy-to-use software system.  

The software is also highly scalable, as opposed to smaller software packages that promise to solve large-scale customer needs.  

Build into the future  

Move beyond what a traditional ERP offers, and get the tools you need to manage your construction business efficiently.  

Access COINS ERP provides a single source of truth for executives, managers, construction workers, and supply chain partners throughout the entire construction lifecycle.   

The platform seamlessly binds all business processes, ensuring information flows between the site and the back-office, and among all stakeholders, both internal and external.  


To find out more about COINS and what it can offer your business, see the software in action today!