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Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Victor Yap

Cybersecurity for accounting firms often comes under threat from cybercriminals for a variety of reasons. Not only do they hold a high volume of valuable personally identifiable information and financial data, those with a more traditional organisational structure may be less likely to have proper defences against cyberattacks.

How would Malaysian accounting firms approach this critical business need? Read on to get the low down on the biggest concerns in cybersecurity for accounting firms, and what you can do to protect yourself.

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Jaclyn Lai

Channel Marketing Manager

Many of us have a rough idea of what being an accountant entails – bookkeeping, data crunching and perhaps constantly balancing income and expenditure sheets. However, sometimes we fail to realise the important role an accountant plays in a business.

Accountants must use a myriad skills to analyse, collect, compile and evaluate financial data. They prepare reports and financial statements, track daily cash flow statements and prepare annual reports.

Accountants must ensure all transactions and financial records are compliant with local regulations, which requires careful attention to detail. Having a good accountant is critical to ensure that a business functions optimally and their cash flow projections are up to scratch.

Today, we speak with Ms Kok Swan Ann, a Senior Accountant with 14 years’ experience. She provides many interesting insights on her daily tasks and shares some common challenges faced by accountants.

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