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Employee Benefits

Advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Employee engagement surveys can be a really useful tool to gauge motivation and satisfaction within your workforce. However, like many forms of research, you get out what you put in. To get actionable insights from respondents, your employee engagement survey questions need a strategic approach.

In this article, we’re going to outline some top tips on creating an effective engagement survey for your business. By taking the time to craft a constructive survey, you’ll be better equipped to uncover valuable insights and implement positive changes through effective employee engagement ideas.

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Once you’ve implemented your employee benefits platform, you’ll naturally hope for consistent engagement amongst your employees. 

Low engagement rates tend to come from a few different reasons; people not understanding what’s available to them, not understanding how to use the platform and the employee benefits you offer not being relevant to your employee's needs.  

In this article, we’ll look at some of the ways that you can help ensure consistent employee benefits engagement for your company.  

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Access Engage Team

Family and work life balance is more important than many employers realise. A better work-life balance is something we’d all like! We all know that family comes first, so why do many employers fail to recognise it? A common misconception is that work-life balance initiatives for employees will decrease output and productivity.

However, for those with families, excessive hours often cause stress, which can directly contribute to a decreased output and poorer productivity.

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Manny Jhutty

When it comes to helping employees make their pay cheque go further, many employers turn to lifestyle benefits. However, employees can save loads on their work commute with employee benefits.

The typical amount UK employees spend on their commute to work can vary greatly. Let’s take travelling by car as an example.

Fuel prices can vary greatly, but let’s say you spend £1.20 per litre of fuel, travel 20 miles a day at an average of 40 miles per gallon, you’ll probably spend around £600-£700 a year on fuel just from commuting to and from work!

How can employee benefits help reduce this cost? We’ll cover this a further in this article, and we’ll also cover how employees can save on other ways of commuting.

For more on commuting benefits like Commuting Loans and Parking Loans, Bike to Work and Liftshare, head over to our Commuting Benefits page here.

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Hannah Palombella

Would you say having a ‘Fun office’ is important for business? Well it helps create a ‘Happy Office’, which is undoubtedly good for business. The best offices in the world have many things in common!

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Access Engage Team

We’ve had lots of successful fundraisers at Access! We always try and think outside the box when it comes to charity fundraising ideas, so we thought we’d share some of them.

Here are a few charity fundraising ideas for the workplace you may not have thought of!

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Manny Jhutty

Peer-to-peer recognition has been shown to be one of the best forms of recognition in the workplace.

A study by Globoforce found that peer-to-peer recognition was 37% more likely to yield a positive financial return than management-to-employee recognition.

Implementing this kind of recognition, however, can be a tricky task.

To truly reap the benefits, you’ll need think outside the box with your peer-to-peer recognition ideas.

Thank you notes and trophies are great, but here we’ll look at peer-to-peer recognition ideas that are a little more innovative and consider the bigger picture.

First, let’s look at what peer-to-peer recognition really is and why it’s so important.

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Access Engage Team

To maintain growth, companies need to maintain and add to the team and knowledge base they currently have, and so the subject of employee motivation and retention is an important one for businesses.

So, what is it that keeps employees happy and motivated in their current role?

We’ve taken a look at the theories and research behind employee motivation to find out what companies and managers need to do to retain their top talent.

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Access Engage Teams

According to research by PageGroup, 78% of employees in the UK say they’d be more likely to apply for a job if the advert mentioned the employee benefits on offer.

Employee benefits are a huge part of attracting and retaining top talent and attracting employees with benefits is an important part of the recruitment process.

Your employee benefits could be the key difference between your top candidates choosing you over other potential employers.

Utilising benefits as part of your recruitment process, therefore, is crucial.

So, how do you attract employees with benefits?

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Access Engage team

Whether it’s a simple ‘thank you’ or something a bit more extravagant, it’s always nice to receive rewards for your hard work. How about a generous amount of cash? Say $200,000? Or how about a luxury apartment? Well, that’s what some of these outrageously generous bosses have rewarded their employees with!

We should just say, this isn’t a ‘how-to’. We’re not for one second saying that these should become the norm, they’re anything but normal! However, we felt such acts of kindness and generosity should be highlighted.

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