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Health and Safety Software

Document Management System

Upload, update and share documents with ease

With Access People’s secure online Document Management System, administrators can upload, preview, update, assign and report on documents, with all the simplicity that our online solution offers.

Stay on the ball when you’re on the go

The system can be accessed anywhere, on any device, as long as you have an internet connection.

Access People’s document management solution also benefits from a built-in acknowledgment function, the ability to leave comments, plus relevant reportable features, enabling you to manage and distribute documents at your convenience.

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A new way to ensure new staff are up to speed

With the Access Health and Safety solution, you can easily send out your IT, HR or Health and Safety policies to any new colleagues. The system means they’ll have to acknowledge that they’ve received, read and understood the information from all relevant documents.

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Let Access prove that document management can be painless

Digital audit trails including dates of receipt

Your business will benefit from a digital audit trail, with users unable to plead ignorance about seeing your IT, Health and Safety or other relevant policies. Our tool proves that they’ve had sight of the specific document, right down to the exact date that they received it.

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Our Health and Safety Software

Access Audits: for robust and effective audits

Access Document Management: for thorough, flexible doc management

Access Incident Reporting: for straightforward incident management

Access Risk Management: the complete online option