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How Sustainability Can Be Incorporated Into Construction Projects

In this article, we'll explore how sustainable processes can be integrated into projects more effectively, in a way that’s achievable for construction businesses.

Construction 5mins
Posted 14/03/2024
How Sustainability Can Be Incorporated Into Construction Projects

For construction professionals and business-owners, it’s important to remember that sustainability’ isn't just a trendy buzzword; it plays a major part in the future of both the construction industry and our environment.  

The construction industry is notorious for its environmental impact. With net zero by 2050 looming over the sector, it is already making great strides in reducing the impact construction has on annual emissions and waste. 

In the UK, construction remains a major contributor to both waste and carbon emissions. But it's not all doom and gloom; there's hope.  

In this article, we'll explore how sustainable processes can be integrated into projects more effectively, in a way that’s achievable for construction businesses. 

Why is it Important for Construction Projects to be More Sustainable? 

The importance of sustainability in construction cannot be overstated. Beyond meeting regulatory requirements, embracing sustainable practices is crucial for several reasons: 

  • Environmental Preservation: Construction activities significantly impact the environment through resource consumption, waste generation, and emissions. By adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing carbon footprint and minimising waste, construction projects can help preserve natural resources and ecosystems. 
  • Reaching Net Zero By 2050: The construction industry is a major contributor to global carbon emissions. Sustainable construction practices, such as using renewable energy sources and implementing energy-efficient technologies, play a vital role in reaching net zero emissions by 2050 and mitigating the effects of climate change. 
  • Cost Savings: While there may be upfront costs associated with implementing sustainable practices, such as investing in energy-efficient materials and technologies, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. Sustainable buildings are more energy-efficient, resulting in lower utility bills and operational costs over time. 
  • Enhanced Reputation and Marketability: Consumers are increasingly conscious of environmental issues and are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. By incorporating sustainable practices into construction projects, businesses can enhance their reputation, attract environmentally conscious clients, and gain a competitive edge in their market. 

Want to learn more about sustainability in construction? Read our blog on The 7 Principles Of Sustainability In Construction 

What are the Challenges to Becoming Sustainable in Construction? 

Embracing sustainability in the construction industry comes with its own set of hurdles and challenges. Foremost among these is the perception of higher costs associated with sustainable practices. While it's true that some sustainable materials and technologies may have higher initial expenses, the long-term benefits often outweigh these upfront investments.  

In fact recent reports from the World Green Building Council show that year on year, the use of sustainable materials can significantly reduce operational costs. 

However, convincing stakeholders to prioritise sustainability over short-term cost savings can be a significant challenge. 

Unfortunately, there remains a lack of awareness and education within the industry when it comes to green practices. Education and training initiatives are crucial to increase awareness and foster a culture of sustainability. 

To overcome these challenges, many construction technologies out there today focus on making sustainable practices easier to deploy. Innovative solutions such as Construction ERP help businesses overcome the usual barriers and ensuring interoperability between disparate systems and creating a more sustainable supply chain.

How Sustainability Can Be Incorporated Into Construction Projects

How Sustainability Can Be Incorporated Into Construction Projects 

Integrating sustainability into construction projects is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it's about rethinking traditional practices and adopting innovative approaches to minimise their environmental impact, whilst maximising long-term value.  

Here are several strategies for incorporating sustainability into construction projects effectively: 

Using Sustainable Materials 

In essence, this is about cleaning up your supply chain and partnering with third-party suppliers that prioritise recycled materials. Opting for sustainable materials, such as recycled or locally sourced materials, can significantly reduce your environmental impact.  

Materials with low embodied carbon and eco-friendly certifications, such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood or Cradle to Cradle certified products, should be prioritised to promote sustainability throughout your supply chain. 


Reducing Waste On-Site 

Implementing waste reduction strategies, such as prefabrication and modular construction techniques, can minimise construction waste and improve efficiency. Proper waste management practices, including recycling and reusing materials whenever possible, are essential to reduce the environmental footprint of construction projects. 


Focusing on Water and Energy Efficiency 

Incorporating energy-efficient systems and water-saving technologies, such as high-performance insulation, on-site combined heat and power (CHP) systems, and low-flow fixtures, can reduce energy consumption and water usage in buildings.  

Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, should be considered to further reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Whilst double- or triple-glazed windows and smart building technologies can further reduce energy consumption in new buildings. 


Off-Site Construction: Reducing On-Site Waste and Vehicle Emissions 

Off-site construction methods, such as modular construction and prefabrication, can minimise on-site disruption, reduce construction waste, and lower vehicle emissions associated with transportation.  

By manufacturing building components in controlled factory environments, off-site construction can also improve quality and efficiency. 


Using Construction Technology 

Leveraging construction technology, including Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software can:  

  • Streamline project management processes 
  • Optimise resource allocation 
  • Enhance collaboration among project stakeholders 

ERP software, in particular, can centralise your project data and automate workflows, enabling real-time monitoring of sustainability metrics and facilitating informed decision-making. 

By integrating these strategies into construction projects, stakeholders can not only minimise environmental impact but also enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and create healthier, more resilient built-environments.  


Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Next Project With Access COINS ERP 

Ready to take your construction projects to the next level of sustainability? Access COINS ERP is here to help. Our comprehensive ERP software solution is designed to streamline project management processes, optimize resource allocation, and enhance collaboration—all while prioritising sustainability. 

With Access COINS ERP, you can: 

  1. Centralise Project Data: Keep all project information in one centralised platform, making it easy to track sustainability metrics and monitor progress towards environmental goals. 
  2. Optimise Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocate resources, including materials, labour, and equipment, to minimize waste and maximize efficiency throughout the construction process. 
  3. Monitor Sustainability Performance: Gain real-time insights into your project's sustainability performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to drive continuous improvement. 

Contact us today to learn more about how Access COINS ERP can help you towards incorporating more sustainable practices into your future projects.