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Data Migration

Data Migration advice and articles to help you focus on the success of your people, your customers, and your organisation.

Access Legal

The value of a law firm’s data should never be underestimated, and so it is important to find an experienced software supplier you and your partners can completely trust if you are considering switching from one legal case and practice management system to another and need to convert your law firm’s data.

In terms of a law firm’s assets, consideration for your data is as important as your people, their expertise and their time.  Decision makers understandably can be wary about investing and switching to alternative legal software because of the prospect of migrating all of their precious data. Unfortunately some technology providers have made it difficult for firms to retrieve their data, compounding the concern over switching to a new provider.

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Liam Stainer

Legal IT Specialist

Over the last 10+ years, the number of law firms who are successfully using cloud services has gone from the very few taking their first steps, to a reported 74% of law firms currently storing client data in the cloud. 

Only a few years back, the sentiment was that law firms have been slow to adopt cloud services but with the rise of Microsoft 365 services, new SaaS legal applications, and the rise in remote working, it’s safe to say the legal industry as we know it would not serve its clients in the same way without cloud services. 

However, there are still plenty of firms who have either not yet migrated their on-premises servers to the cloud or have had problems when attempting to. In this article, we are going to flag the key considerations law firms should make when migrating to the cloud. 

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